You can’t have a pork roast without perfect pork crackle!! If you follow a few simple steps, we can guarantee you will have the crunchiest of crackling every time. Great pork crackle start with using great quality Sweet Bangalow Pork.
- Sweet Bangalow Pork Roast
- Course salt
- Cracked pepper
- Olive oil
- Remove pork roast from packaging and season with olive oil, course salt & cracked pepper, leave in fridge uncovered for up to 24 hours before cooking.
- Remove roast from fridge and place on bench for one hour before cooking, to get the roast to room temperature.
- Pre heat oven to 220°
- Dry off the skin with paper towel and re season with olive oil , course salt and cracked pepper before roasting & place in a roasting pan with a trivet.
- Roast for 20 – 30 minutes at 220° until the crackle starts to go a golden colour
- Reduce the temperature of you oven to 180° and continue to cook till roast is done.
Handy Tips
- Use a good quality course salt this will help dry out the skin and create your perfect pork crackle.
- By removing the roast from the packaging and leaving uncovered in your fridge you will start to dry out the skin.
- Putting your roast in the oven at room temp not straight out of the fridge will allow your oven to not lose any heat which helps crackle quicker.